La Grande Pyramide de Cholula, aussi connue sous le nom de Tlachihualtepetl, « montagne artificielle » en Nahuatl, est un immense complexe…
Temple featuring magnificent facade and even more stunning interior. It is a mix of European and Mexican styles.
La Bibliothèque Palafoxiana est une bibliothèque située dans le centre historique de la ville mexicaine de Puebla.
This chapel of Santo Domingo church is a must-see of Puebla. Its decorated interior is striking and splendid.
La cathédrale métropolitaine de l'Immaculée-Conception, située à Puebla, capitale de l'État de Puebla au Mexique, est le siège de l'évêque…
Le Museo Amparo est un musée de la ville de Puebla au Mexique.
Cantona is a Mesoamerican archaeological site in Mexico. It is located between 2,450 and 2,600 meters above sea level in the state of Puebla…
Cholula was an important city of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, dating back to at least the 2nd century BCE, with settlement as a village going…
This still active volcano is one of the biggest natural wonders of Mexico. Come to see its unearthly beauty.
This fort played an important role during the Puebla Battle in 1862. It offers magnificent views of the countryside.
The Municipal Hall of Puebla is a building in Puebla's historic centre, in the Mexican state of Puebla.
Despite its strange name, this street is worth visiting for markets taking place here. Go buy hadicrafts and antiquities.
Zacatlán is a city and municipal seat of Zacatlán Municipality located in the Sierra Norte de Puebla region of Puebla in central Mexico.
Take a walk in this small neighbourhood and admire the works of artists displayed on every corner. The atmosphere here is lively.
L'Iztaccíhuatl est la troisième montagne la plus haute du Mexique après le pic d'Orizaba et le Popocatepetl.
A must-see museum for art lovers and connoisseurs. There are many significant Mexican and foreign artworks on display.
Cholula, officiellement Cholula de Rivadavia, est une ville mexicaine de l'État de Puebla, à une dizaine de kilomètres à l'ouest de Puebla,…
One of the dominants of Atlixco dates back to the 16th century. Apart from being a hospital, it is home to a collection of art.
Chipilo, dont le nom officiel est Chipilo de Francisco Javier Mina est une ville située à 12 kilomètres au sud-est de Puebla, au Mexique,…
A lively market takes place on this cobblestoned street. Local artisans sell their original products for fair prices here.
If you are into theater, don't hesitate and pay a visit to the most popular one in the city. Its interior is nicely decorated.