Santa Maria della Gancia, also known as Santa Maria degli Angeli, is a 15th-century Roman Catholic church, adjacent to a convent, located…
L’église Saint-Jean-des-Ermites est un monument national d'architecture normanno-arabo-byzantine situé dans le centre historique de Palerme…
The Oratory of the Rosary of Saint Dominic is a Baroque oratory of Palermo.
The Church of Saint Francis of Assisi is a Gothic-style, Roman Catholic church of Palermo.
This medieval church may seem simple in structure at first, but be sure to stop by and explore its beautiful decorations.
La basilique Notre-Dame-de-l'Aumône, ou simplement Basilique collégiale, est une église de style baroque tardif située à Catane en Italie,…
La Magione is a 12th-century Norman-Gothic architecture, Roman Catholic Basilica church, located on Via Magione #44, the entrance to the…
Santa Maria della Catena is a Roman Catholic church located in the Piazza Dogana, now sandwiched between Strada Statale 113 and Via…
La cathédrale de Messine ou cathédrale Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption, est la cathédrale basilique protométropolitaine de l’archidiocèse de…
The Church of Saint Augustine is a Gothic church of Palermo. It is located near the market of the Capo, in the quarter of the Seralcadio,…
An impressive structure with visible Norman influences. The one thing to notice is the brilliant altarpiece by Caravaggio.
L’église Annunziata dei Catalani est une église catholique située à Messine, en Sicile.
Il s'agit du premier édifice à avoir été reconstruit à la suite du tremblement de terre de 1908. Il est orné de beaux vitraux colorés.