Ce minaret est la partie la plus impressionnante du site. Sa construction fut ordonnée par le premier souverain de la dynastie Mamelouk,…
Le pilier de fer de Delhi ou pilier de fer de Mehrauli est un vestige archéologique et une curiosité métallurgique se trouvant dans le…
Ce parc comprend plus de 440 artefacts et constructions historiques, allant des tombes aux puits d'escaliers, qui retracent près d'un…
Ce tombeau est le lieu de sépulture du troisième sultan de la dynastie mamelouke.
Select CITYWALK is a shopping centre located in the Saket District Centre, in Saket, New Delhi.
What used to be the grandest mosque in all of Delhi is now in ruins that still make for one of the most picturesque sights.
The former entrance to the complex is now dwarved by its other buildings, but still worth a look for its rich decor.
Qutb ul Aqtab Khwaja Sayyid Muhammad Bakhtiyar AlHussaini, Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki was a Sunni Muslim Sufi mystic, saint and scholar of…
Moth ki Mosque is a heritage building located in Delhi, and was built in 1505 by Wazir Miya Bhoiya, Prime Minister during the reign of…