Les Møns Klint, toponyme danois signifiant littéralement en français « les falaises de Møn », sont des falaises littorales de craie situées…
Sømarkedyssen is a neolithic megalithic tomb located near Sømarke on the Danish island of Møn
Klekkende Høj est une tombe mégalithique se trouvant sur l'île de Møn au Danemark.
GeoCenter Møns Klint is a geological and natural history museum on the island of Møn in southeastern Denmark.
Elmelunde Church, famous for its frescos, is located in the village of Elmelunde, Møn, in southeastern Denmark.
Grønsalen or Grønjægers Høj is located near Fanefjord Church on the Danish island of Møn.
The Grundtvig House is a complex of historic buildings at Torvestræde 7 in Præstø, Vordingborg Municipality, Denmark.
Keldby Church, famous for its frescoes, is located on the main road to Møns Klint in the village of Keldby, 4 km east of Stege on the…
Fanefjord Church is on the Danish island of Møn. It is located in an open setting overlooking the Baltic Sea inlet of Fanefjord between…