Taipei Main Station (Taoyuan Airport MRT)

Nom local桃園機場捷運台北車站
PositionDistrict de Zhongzheng, Taipei, Taïwan

Taipei Main Station is a terminus of the Taoyuan Airport MRT in Taipei, Taiwan. Located roughly 250 metres west of Taipei railway station and 200 metres east of Beimen metro station, the station is connected to the Taipei railway station through a 115 metres long underground walkway, and to Beimen station through another underground walkway. It is the busiest station on the Taoyuan Airport MRT. The station is served by both express and commuter trains, and provides in-town check in services for outbound flights. Currently, four airlines offer this service.

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Coordonnées 25°2'55.838" N 121°30'48.092" E

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