Majlis Ghorfat Umm Al Sheif

Nom localMajlis Ghorfat Umm Al Sheif
PositionJumeirah, Dubaï, Émirats arabes unis

The Majlis Ghorfat Umm Al Sheif is the preserved summerhouse, or majlis, of the former Ruler of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Al Maktoum. Located in the Dubai suburb of Jumeirah 2, the majlis is preserved today as a heritage site.

Constructed in 1955, the majlis was named after a pearl fishery of the same name. The majlis was at the time located far from the town of Dubai, in a date palm plantation near to a fishing village. It was built from a mixture of adobe, gypsum and coral with timber. The roof terrace of the majlis was used to both dry dates and provide a cool open air sleeping platform.

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Adresse 84 Al Nawkhadhah Street, Jumeira 3, United Arab Emirates

Coordonnées 25°11'12.043" N 55°13'50.771" E

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