Lord's Cricket Ground

Nom local
PositionLondres, Royaume-Uni

The most famous cricket venue is also home to a sports museum, which is worth visiting if you are a sports fan.

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Tours run seven days a week, throughout the year, with the exception of Christmas Holidays.

Several Tours run each day. Every 100 minute tour departs from the MCC Museum. Please note, there are no tours on Major Match Days.

The Museum is open throughout the year and is part of the famous Lord's Tour. The MCC Museum is also open on all match days, for visitors with a ticket for that day's play.


Tour prices:
Adults: £24
Seniors 60+: £18
Children (5-15), Students (with ID): £15
Children (under 5): free
Family (2+2 aged 5-15): £50

Plus d'informations et contact

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lordscricket/

Twitter https://twitter.com/HomeOfCricket?ref_src=twsrc%255Egoogle%257Ctwcamp%255Eserp%257Ctwgr%255Eauthor

E-mail reception@mcc.org.uk

Téléphone +44 20 7616 8500

Adresse Lord's, Lords Cricket Ground, Saint John's Wood Road, London NW8 8QN, UK

Coordonnées 51°31'46.031" N -0°10'22.041" E

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