Az Ermitázs Oroszország legnagyobb és leghíresebb múzeuma, Szentpéterváron a Néva partján található.
The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood is a Russian Orthodox church in Saint Petersburg, Russia which currently functions as a secular…
The General Staff Building is an edifice with a 580 m long bow-shaped facade, situated on Palace Square in Saint Petersburg, Russia, in…
Az Orosz múzeumot 1898-ban nyitották meg Szentpéterváron, a Művészetek terén levő egykori Mihály-palotában.
The Fabergé Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia is a privately owned museum which was established by Viktor Vekselberg and his Link of Times…
The Stray Dog was a cafe located at Mikhailovckaya Ploshchad, 5, Square of the Arts up to Summer Gardens, St. Petersburg, Russia.