1971-ben nyilvánvaló lenne, ha Led Zeppelin ihletet talált a híres dalából - ezek a lépések valóban hasonlítanak a Lépcsőhöz a Mennybe.
Az Exorcist 1973-as horrorfilmének minden rajongója minden bizonnyal felismeri ezeket a meredek lépéseket, mint a klimatikus végső…
A Fecskefészek-barlang egy függőleges barlang Mexikó San Luis Potosí államában, Aquismón község területén.
Holbox is an island in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo, located on the north coast of the Yucatán Peninsula.
Narrow street (only 25 inches) famous because of the ancient legend which tells stories of lovers who kissed from the opposite balconies.
The 9 O'Clock Gun is a cannon located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, that is ordinarily fired daily at 21:00 PT.
The George Peabody Library is a library connected to the Johns Hopkins University, focused on research into the 19th century.
Casa Na Bolom is located in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.
The arch of Cabo San Lucas, is a distinctive rock formation at the southern tip of Cabo San Lucas, which is itself the extreme southern end…
Shallow reef adorned with a statue of Jesus belongs to the most impressive dive sites in Florida.
Hamtramck Disneyland is a yard art folk art located in Hamtramck, Michigan begun by a man named Dmytro Szylak.
Az Eternal Flame Falls, azaz az örök láng vízesés a Shale Creek rezervátumban található, mely a Chestnut Ridge Park részét képezi New York…
Natural waterslide, 60-foot long waterfall ending in a chilly pool. Fantastic attraction!
The Museum of Bad Art is a privately owned museum whose stated aim is "to celebrate the labor of artists whose work would be displayed and…
London Heritage Farm is a 4.06 acres historical site that contains the 1880s London family farm house and a park overlooking the south arm…
Baker's Keyboard Lounge is a jazz club located at 20510 Livernois Avenue in Detroit, Michigan.
Leonid Molodozhanyn, known as Leo Mol, was a Ukrainian Canadian stained glass artist, painter and sculptor.