The Monastery of San Nicolò l'Arena in Catania, Sicily is a former Benedictine monastery, located on Piazza Dante 30 in the city of Catania…
A Dionüsziosz füle egy barlang Szicília szigetén, Olaszországban. Szirakúza városában található.
The majestic Norman castle is a truly fascinating sight. Sitting on top of a steep cliff it was used as a vanguard of the town of Trapani.
A Villa Romana del Casale egy nagy és bonyolult római villa vagy palota, amely körülbelül 3 km-re helyezkedik el a szicíliai Piazza…
The Palazzo Biscari is a monumental private palace located on Via Museo Biscari in Catania, Sicily, southern Italy.
Messina Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral located in Messina, Sicily.