Metro AG

Helyi elnevezésMETRO
ElhelyezkedésBajorország, Deutschland

Metro AG is a German multinational company based in Düsseldorf which operates business membership only cash and carry stores primarily under Metro brand. Until 2020 it was also active in general retail business through Real division, which was sold to an investor consortium.

Unlike American warehouse clubs such as Costco or Sam's Club, it is not possible for private customers to acquire a membership for most Metro locations. As of 2020 it operates around 680 stores in 24 countries in Europe and Asia.The company was established in 1964 by Ernst Schmidt and Wilhelm Schmidt-Ruthenbeck. In 2010, it was the fourth-largest retailer in the world measured by revenues, after Wal-Mart, Carrefour and Tesco. Its current incarnation was launched in 2017 as a spun-off of old Metro AG, which continued to be a consumer electronics retailer and renamed itself Ceconomy.

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Telefon +49 731 1760-0

Koordináták 48°23'37.311" N 10°1'8.999" E

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