
Helyi elnevezésSebilj
ElhelyezkedésBaščaršija, Szarajevó, Bosznia-Hercegovina

A sebil or sabil is a small kiosk in the Islamic architectural tradition where water is freely dispensed to members of the public by an attendant behind a grilled window. The term is sometimes also used to refer to simple unmanned fountains with a tap for drinking water, though other names often exist for such fountains.

Historically, sebils are structures of both civic and religious importance in Muslim cities, most prominently in the cities of the Ottoman Empire, based in Istanbul, and of the Mamluk Empire, based in Cairo. They were built at crossroads, in the middle of city squares, and on the outside of mosques and other religious complexes to provide drinking water for travelers and to assist ritual purification before prayer.

Címkék Ivóvíz
Letöltés Letöltés Továbbiak
Sarajevo: Eat Pray Love Tour legalacsonyabb ár 35 USD

Több információ és kapcsolat


Cím Baščaršija, Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia & Herzegovina

Koordináták 43°51'34.98" N 18°25'52.39" E

Túrák és programok: Sebil

Sarajevo: Eat Pray Love Tour

Sorbanállás nélkül
Azonnali visszaigazolás
legalacsonyabb ár 35 USD

Sarajevo: Grand Walking Tour

Azonnali visszaigazolás
Mobil voucher
Sorbanállás nélkül
legalacsonyabb ár 15 USD

Sarajevo: Guided Walking History Tour

Sorbanállás nélkül
Azonnali visszaigazolás
Mobil voucher
legalacsonyabb ár 15 USD

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