Vidraru Dam is a dam in Romania. It was completed in 1966 on the Argeș River and creates Lake Vidraru.
Il Monte Moldoveanu è la montagna più alta della Romania. Si trova nei Monti Făgăraș, monti appartenenti alle Alpi Transilvaniche dei…
Jidava was a fort in the Roman province of Dacia 4 km southwest of the town of Campulung, Romania.
Il Monte Negoiu è una montagna dei Monti Făgăraș dei Carpazi Meridionali.
Viștea Mare is a mountain peak in the Făgăraș Mountains of the Southern Carpathians of Brașov County in Romania.
Lespezi is the fifth highest mountain peak in Romania. The mountain is located in Sibiu County in the Făgăraș Mountains.