La chiesa dello Spirito Santo è la chiesa più famosa di Heidelberg, in Germania.
Take a look at this magnificent Jesuit Church and admire its Baroque architecture.
The Mannheim Jesuit Church is a Catholic church of historic and artistic importance in Mannheim, Germany.
L'abbazia di Lichtenthal è un monastero femminile cistercense sito a Baden-Baden nel distretto di Karlsruhe, nel Baden-Württemberg, in…
The Mannheim Palace Church, founded as a court chapel, was built in the 18th century and is part of the Mannheim Palace.
Mosbach Abbey was a Benedictine monastery, later a monastery of Augustinian Canons, in the town of Mosbach in the Odenwald, Baden…
Mosbach Abbey was a Benedictine monastery, later a monastery of Augustinian Canons, in the town of Mosbach in the Odenwald, Baden…