La Mary Rose è stata una caracca da battaglia inglese d'epoca Tudor e una delle prime a poter sparare una bordata piena coi suoi cannoni d…
La HMS Warrior è una nave corazzata costruita per la Royal Navy nel 1860.
La HMS Victory è un vascello di prima classe, a tre ponti da 104 cannoni della Royal Navy, costruita negli anni 1760 su progetto di Sir…
HMS M33 is an M29-class monitor of the Royal Navy. Built in 1915, she saw active service in the Mediterranean during the First World War and…
Holland 1 is the first submarine commissioned by the Royal Navy. The first in a six-boat batch of the Holland-class submarine, she was lost…
Clarence Pier is an amusement pier in Portsmouth, Hampshire. It is located next to Southsea Hoverport.
The Royal Navy Submarine Museum at Gosport is a maritime museum tracing the international history of submarine development from the age of…
Little Woodham, also known as "The Living History Village of Little Woodham" or "The Seventeenth Century Village", is a living museum…
La cattedrale di Portsmouth, anche nota coma cattedrale di San Tommaso di Canterbury, è la chiesa principale della diocesi anglicana di…
HMS Alliance is a Royal Navy A-class, Amphion-class or Acheron-class submarine, laid down towards the end of the Second World War and…