Il castello di Ludwigsburg, o Residenza, è stato il palazzo dei duchi, poi divenuti re, del Württemberg.
Monrepos is a lakeside schloss in Ludwigsburg, Germany. Although quite far and almost separate from Favorite Palace and Ludwigsburg Palace,…
Schloss Favorite is a Baroque maison de plaisance and hunting lodge in Ludwigsburg, Germany, which was used as a summer residence and…
Schlosstheater Ludwigsburg is a theatre in Ludwigsburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
The Deutsch-Französisches Institut is an independent non-profit organization devoted to research on and documentation of contemporary…
The Bietigheim Viaduct is a well-known German railway bridge over the Enz valley at Bietigheim-Bissingen and one of the landmarks of the…
Hohenasperg, located in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg near Stuttgart, Germany, of which it is administratively part, is an ancient…
Steinheim an der Murr è una città situata nel land del Baden-Württemberg. È bagnato dalle acque della Murr.
La tomba di Hochdorf è la tomba principesca di un guerriero celtico della prima età del ferro, scoperta nel 1977 a Hochdorf an der Enz, un…
L'Oleodotto Transalpino è un oleodotto che collega il porto di Trieste all'Europa centrale, costruito tra dicembre 1964 e giugno 1967.
The Protestant Amandus Church in Freiberg am Neckar, Germany, is a late Gothic fortified former village church.
The Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach, established in 1955, in Marbach am Neckar, is one of the most significant literary archives in the…
Il Museo di letteratura moderna o abbreviato con l'acronimo di LiMo è un museo situato a Marbach am Neckar, in Germania, facente parte dell…
Riet is a village in the town of Vaihingen an der Enz, Germany. The population is around 900 and it is about 5 kilometres south of central…
The Afrika-Haus Freiberg is a museum of modern African art at Freiberg am Neckar in Germany.
Vaihingen an der Enz concentration camp, near the city of Vaihingen an der Enz in the Neckar region of Germany, was a slave labor camp for…
EgeTrans Arena is a multi-purpose arena in Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany. Its tenant is SG BBM Bietigheim.
Hohenasperg, located in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg near Stuttgart, Germany, of which it is administratively part, is an ancient…