La basilica di Nostra Signora di Guadalupe è un santuario cattolico situato sul monte Tepeyac a Città del Messico, nel territorio dell…
The oldest Mexican cathedral was built on ruins of a Mayan temple. Very impressive structure with richly decorated exterior.
The Basílica colegiata de Nuestra Señora de Guanajuato is considered one of the most emblematic structures in the City of Guanajuato,…
The beautiful 17th-century church is a natural dominant of the charming colonial center. What a beautiful monument!
The impressive colonial Franciscan monastery dominates the former Mayan acropolis. The material from their buildings was used, too.
La chiesa di San Domenico è una chiesa di Oaxaca. Costruita a cavallo tra la fine del XVI secolo e l'inizio del XVII secolo, la sua…
Le missioni francescane della Sierra Gorda, nello stato messicano di Querétaro, vennero dichiarate patrimonio dell'umanità dall'UNESCO nel…
The Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios is a 16th-century Mexican Catholic parish church built atop the Tlachihualtepetl pyramid in…
This Neo-Gothic cathedral is a stunner! Let yourself be blown away by its delicate details and impressive vaulted ceiling.