San Agustin è una chiesa barocca filippina situata ad Intramuros, nella città di Manila.
Admire the architecture of the oldest Catholic basilica, established in the early 16th century. There is also a library open to the public.
La cattedrale di Manila, ufficialmente cattedrale metropolitana dell'Immacolata Concezione di Maria è la sede della cattedra arcivescovile…
La basilica minore di San Sebastian, anche conosciuta come chiesa di San Sebastian o basilica di San Sebastian, è una basilica minore…
Cebu Taoist Temple is a Taoist temple located in Beverly Hills Subdivision of Cebu City, Philippines.
Il Nazareno Nero è una statua a grandezza naturale di un Gesù Cristo inginocchiato dalla pelle scura che porta la croce custodita nella…
La Purisima Concepcion de la Virgen Maria Parish Church, commonly known as Baclayon Church, is a Roman Catholic Church in the municipality…
The Saint Augustine Church, commonly known as the Paoay Church, is a Roman Catholic church in the municipality of Paoay, Ilocos Norte in…
San Tomas de Villanueva, nota anche come chiesa di Miagao, è una chiesa barocca filippina situata nella città di Miagao, nei pressi di…
The Metropolitan Cathedral and Parish of the Conversion of Saint Paul, commonly known as Vigan Cathedral, is a Catholic cathedral in Vigan,…
La cattedrale di San Vitale di Milano e dell'Immacolata Concezione, conosciuta anche come Cattedrale di Cebu, è il principale luogo di…
The Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of the Assumption, commonly known as Santa Maria Church and Santa Maria Pro-cathedral, is a Roman…
The San Pedro Apostol Parish Church, commonly known as Loboc Church and alternatively as the Diocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in…
Masjid Al-Dahab is situated in the predominantly Muslim section of the Quiapo district in Manila, Philippines, and is considered the…
La cattedrale di Nostra Signora della Riconciliazione, conosciuta anche come Cattedrale di Baguio, è il principale luogo di culto della…
The Taal Basilica, canonically known as the Minor Basilica of Saint Martin of Tours, is a minor basilica in the town of Taal, Batangas, in…
Laoag Cathedral, canonically known as Saint William's Cathedral is a Roman Catholic church in Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, Philippines.
The Santa Monica Parish Church, commonly known as the Sarrat Church, is a Roman Catholic parish church in Barangay San Leandro, Poblacion,…
The Taluksangay Mosque was built by Hadji Abdullah Maas Nuno in 1885 in the Barangay Taluksangay, Zamboanga, the Philippines.
The Grand Mosque of Cotabato, officially the Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mosque, is situated in Cotabato City and is the largest mosque in…
The Metropolitan Cathedral and Parish of Saint John the Evangelist, also known as the Naga Metropolitan Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic…