Jinpūkaku is a Western-style French Renaissance style residence of the Ikeda clan located in Tottori, Tottori Prefecture, Japan.
The Tottori City Historical Museum opened in Tottori, Japan, in 2000 and is dedicated to the history of the city.
Il Tottori Prefectural Museum è un museo prefetturale situato a Tottori, in Giappone, dedicato alla natura, alla storia, al folklore e all…
The Tottori Nijisseiki Pear Museum is located in Kurayoshi, Tottori Prefecture, Japan, and dedicated to the history of the pear.
Mukibanda Yayoi Settlement Site is the largest Yayoi period remains in Japan.
Mukibanda Yayoi Settlement Site is an archaeological site with a large Yayoi period settlement remains, straddling the border between the…