La Marktkirche, dedicata a San Giorgio e San Giacomo, è una chiesa evangelica di Hannover ed è la più antica chiesa parrocchiale della…
Aegidien Church, after Saint Giles to whom the church was dedicated, is a war memorial in Hanover, the capital of Lower Saxony, Germany.
La Neustädter Kirche è una chiesa parrocchiale luterana principale di Hannover, in Bassa Sassonia, Germania.
The Evangelical Kronsberg Church Centre is a place of worship in the Kronsberg neighbourhood of Hanover, in Lower Saxony, Germany.
The German: Herrenhäuser Kirche in Hanover-Herrenhausen, Lower Saxony, Germany) is a church built in neo-Gothic style.
This Romanesque church made from sandstone is the oldest church in the Hannover region. It is preserved almost in its original shape.