The Cathedral is the largest church in the whole of Valparaíso. This stunning architectural gem overlooks the Plaza Victoria.
La Sebastiana è una delle tre case, insieme a La Chascona a Santiago e alla Casa de Isla Negra, che sono state proprietà del poeta cileno…
The Edificio de la Comandancia en Jefe de la Armada de Chile, also known as Edificio de la Intendencia de Valparaíso, because it was a…
La piazza Sotomayor è una piazza ubicata nella città cilena di Valparaíso, considerata il fulcro della città, nonché l'asse principale del…
Palacio Baburizza is the former residence of Croatian businessman Pascual Baburizza located in Valparaíso, Chile.
The 1883 elevator originally ran on steam power. The oldest elevator in one of the most delightful Valparaíso's neighborhoods.
San Francisco Church is a Catholic church located in Barón Hill, Valparaíso, Chile.
The beautiful O'Higgins plaza near the Municipal Theater and the National Congress hosts one of the city's best antiques markets on…
One of the few modern landmarks of Valparaíso, the Congress is pretty controversial: it was built on one of Pinochet's boyhood homes.
Biblioteca Santiago Severin is a public library located in Valparaiso, Chile.
Situated on the Plaza Matriz in the historic core of Valparaíso, the beautiful church that is the square's main feature dates back from…
A beautiful viewpoint offering the sight of all of central Valparaíso, its hills and surroundings is definitely worth stopping by.
The colourful market displays fruit and vegetables stalls on the ground floor, while the upstairs is occupied by cheap seafood restaurants.
L'Università tecnica Federico Santa María è una università privata cilena con sede a Valparaíso, Santiago, Concepción e Rancagua.
The main theater in the whole of Valparaíso hosts live theatrical plays and live concerts. Do come if you enjoy live performances.
One of the oldest clocks in the city, the wedge-shaped tower is one of the main sights of Valparaíso. Admire the magnificent clockwork!
The Capilla del Carmen, also known as Capilla de la Medalla Milagrosa, is a chapel located on the lower flank of El Litre Hill, in El…
After being around for nearly 80 years, it seems the traditional wood-paneled bar is here to stay. A friendly, albeit a bit rowdy atmosphere.
The subterranean mausoleum and the sculpture pays a tribute to Chile's naval martyrs, who fought and died in the 1879 war against Peru.