Svelato nel 1979, questo memoriale celebra uno dei più grandi scienziati del mondo.
Situato vicino al Jefferson Memorial, questo memoriale onora un altro padre fondatore, George Mason.
Conosciuta anche come statua dei Tre Militari, quest'opera commemora i soldati americani che combatterono nella guerra del Vietnam.
Chair is a public artwork designed as an advertisement by Bassett Furniture, located at the intersection of Martin Luther King Ave. and V.
José Julián Martí Pérez è stato uno scrittore, politico, insegnante, pensatore, e rivoluzionario cubano.
Philip Henry Sheridan è stato un generale statunitense.
La Abraham Lincoln è una statua colossale raffigurante il presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America Abraham Lincoln in posizione seduta, opera…
The Temperance Fountain is a fountain and statue located in Washington, D.C., donated to the city in 1882 by Henry D.
Six-Part Seating is a sculpture by Scott Burton, installed at the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden in Washington, D.C.
La Statua della Libertà, conosciuta anche come La Libertà armata, è una statua di bronzo, opera dello scultore Thomas Crawford, che orna il…
Joan of Arc is a monumental bronze sculpture by French sculptor Paul Dubois.
Four-Sided Pyramid is a conceptual modular "structure", by Sol LeWitt, in the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden.
The Taras Shevchenko Memorial is a bronze statue and stone relief-adorned wall located on the 2200 block of P Street NW in the Dupont…
Thinker on a Rock is a bronze sculpture by Barry Flanagan.
An Entrance to the Paris Métropolitain is a sculpture by Hector Guimard, conceived in 1902 and fabricated between 1902 and 1913.
Moondog is a minimalist sculpture created by Tony Smith in 1964. The piece is composed of 15 octahedra and 10 tetrahedra, and while…
House I is a sculpture by Roy Lichtenstein. It has an illusion, which makes it appear inside out, or normally, depending on which way the…
The James Cardinal Gibbons Memorial Statue is a public artwork by Leo Lentelli, located at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart, 16th Street and…