The Johanneskirche is a catholic church located in Freiburg im Breisgau.
The Lorettoberg, also known as Josephsbergle in Freiburg, is a mountain ridge in the South-West of the Wiehre district in the city of…
The Loretto Baths, in short Lollo, is the oldest open-air swimming pool in Germany.
The Corps Hubertia Freiburg is a fraternity in Freiburg, Germany. It was founded on October 29, 1868 and is one of 162 German Student Corps…
The Lorettoberg, also known as Josephsbergle in Freiburg, is a mountain ridge in the South-West of the Wiehre district in the city of…
Holbeinpferd è il nome colloquiale della scultura di un cavallo nel sobborgo Wiehre di Friburgo in Brisgovia, Baden-Württemberg, Germania,…