Take a pic with a statue of the famous singer which was unveiled on the shore of Lake Geneva in 1996. He wrote several songs in Montreux.
Châtelard Castle is a castle in the municipality of Montreux of the Canton of Vaud in Switzerland.
The Rochers de Naye is a mountain of the Swiss Alps, overlooking Lake Geneva near Montreux and Villeneuve, in the canton of Vaud.
The Mont Pèlerin TV Tower is a transmission tower situated on Mont Pèlerin in the area of Chardonne, north of Vevey and is the only TV…
몽트뢰 카지노는 스위스 몽트뢰에 위치한 제네바 호수 해안에 위치한 카지노이다. 이곳은 몽트뢰 재즈 페스티벌의 장소로 사용되었으며, 딥 퍼플의 노래 “Smoke on the Water”로 기념되는 1971년 화재 이후 재건되었다. 이곳은 루시앙…
Mont Pèlerin is a mountain of the Swiss Plateau, overlooking Lake Geneva in the canton of Vaud.
Very first Le Corbusier's building project in Switzerland - he designed this house together with Jeanneret for his parents.