바우첸은 독일 작센주 동쪽에 있는 언덕 꼭대기에 위치한 도시로, 바우첸 구의 행정 중심지이다. 슈프레강에 위치해 있다. 2014년 12월 31일 기준으로 인구는 39,473명이다.
St. Peter's Cathedral is an interdenominational church in Bautzen, Germany.
Domowina is a political independent league of the Sorbian and Wendish people and umbrella organization of Sorbian societies in Lower and…
The Battle of Bautzen was one of the last battles of the Eastern Front during World War II.
The Bautzen Reservoir, is a reservoir on the River Spree in Germany. It is situated just north of the city of Bautzen in the state of Saxony.
Bautzen/Budyšin is a railway station in the town of Bautzen, Saxony, Germany.