황금박물관은 콜롬비아 보고타의 박물관이다. 콜롬비아에서 가장 많이 방문하는 관광명소들 가운데 하나이다. 이 박물관은 한 해에 대략 500,000명이 방문한다. 산타데르 공원의 동쪽에 있는 박물관으로 스페인이 침략하기 이전에 콜롬비아의 인디헤나가 만든…
The Museo Casa de Moneda is a numismatics museum located in La Candelaria neighborhood of Bogotá, Colombia.
This church is truly stunning! Not comparable with others! Its rich decorations are magnetic!
The police of Columbia are definitely doing an important job - fighting crime. See their methods, projects, tactics...
It represents a typical 18th century colonial estate with gardens. You can wander around in the house and admire its saloons.
The Maloka Museum is an interactive science museum located in Bogotá, Colombia.
Costumes have always been a part of cultural identity. You can see the traditional ones the Indians wore as well as peasants (campesinos).