밀라그로스 수도교는 스페인 메리다에 있는 고대 로마의 수도교 유적이다. 당시 로마 식민지였던 에메리타 아우구스타 지역에 수도를 공급하기 위한 목적으로 건설되었다.
The Roman circus of Mérida is a ruined Roman circus in Mérida, Spain. Used for chariot racing, it was modelled on the Circus Maximus in Rome…
The Alcazaba is a ninth-century Muslim fortification in Mérida, Spain.
The Metropolitan co-cathedral of Saint Mary Major of Mérida is a Roman Catholic cathedral church in Mérida, Extremadura, western Spain.
The Roman Forum is an archaeological area in Mérida, Spain. It was the main public area of the Roman city of Emerita Augusta, founded in 25…
The Royal Monastery of Saint Mary of Guadalupe is a Roman Catholic monastic establishment built during the 14th century located in…