The Iowa State Capitol, commonly called the Iowa Statehouse, is in Iowa's capital city, Des Moines.
The Figge Art Museum is an art museum in Davenport, Iowa. The Figge, as it is commonly known, has an encyclopedic collection and serves as…
The Shot Tower located in Dubuque, Iowa, is one of the last remaining shot towers in the United States.
The Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden is a 17-acre botanical garden located near downtown Des Moines, Iowa, United States, on the east…
St. Ambrose Cathedral is a historic building located in downtown Des Moines, Iowa, United States.
The Dillon Memorial is a historic structure located in LeClaire Park, near downtown Davenport, Iowa, United States.
The Des Moines Art Center is an art museum with an extensive collection of paintings, sculpture, modern art and mixed media.
Adventureland Resort is a theme park in Altoona, Iowa. It is marketed as the Home of Iowa's Best Thrills.
The Mines of Spain State Recreation Area and E. B.
Sergeant Floyd is a historic museum boat, serving as the Sergeant Floyd River Museum & Welcome Center at 1000 Larsen Park Road in Sioux…
아이오와 대학교는 미국 아이오와주 아이오와시티에 소재한 공립 대학이다. 2009년에는 매년 미국 국내 대학 순위를 매기는에서 66위를 기록하였다. 또한 세계대학평가를 주관하는 Thomson Reuters에 따르면 아이오와대학교는 2012-2013년에…
The Herbert Hoover National Historic Site is a unit of the National Park System in West Branch, Iowa, United States.
The Quarry Bridge is located near Quarry, Iowa in Marshall County, Iowa. The bridge is also called the Iowa River Bridge.
George M. Verity is a historic towboat now displayed as a museum ship in Keokuk, Iowa.
The Mines of Spain State Recreation Area and E. B.
음악이 죽은 날은 소형비행기가 아이오와주 클리어레이크 근교에 추락하여 버디 홀리, 리치 밸런스, J.P. "빅 바퍼" 리처드슨 3명의 음악인들과 파일럿 로저 피터슨 총 4명이 전원 사망한 사고가 일어난 1959년 2월 3일을 가리키는 통칭이다.
그리넬 칼리지는 미국 아이오와주 포우쉬크군 그리넬에 있는 사립 리버럴 아츠 칼리지다. 1846년에 뉴잉글랜드의 회중 교회에서 세웠으며, 엄격함을 추구하는 학문과 혁신을 추구하는 교육, 사회 정의의 실현을 중시한다.
The University of Northern Iowa is a public university in Cedar Falls, Iowa.
Loras College is a private Catholic college in Dubuque, Iowa. It has an enrollment of approximately 1,600 students and is the oldest post…
Upper Iowa University is a private university in Fayette, Iowa. It enrolls around 900 students and offers distance education programs that…
Graceland University is a private university, with campuses in Lamoni, Iowa, and Independence, Missouri.