슈티프는 마케도니아 공화국 동부에 위치한 도시로 면적은 583km2, 높이는 300m, 인구는 47,796명이며 슈티프 시의 행정 중심지이다.
Berovo Lake is a freshwater lake located in the Republic of North Macedonia.
Lesnovo monastery, officially called Monastery of St Archangel Michael and St Hermit Gabriel of Lesnovo, is a medieval monument in North…
Bargala is an archaeological site in Karbinci Municipality, North Macedonia, 10 km east of the city of Štip.
The Goce Delčev University of Štip is a public university in North Macedonia.
The Goce Delčev University of Štip is a public university in North Macedonia.
The Goce Delčev University of Štip is a public university in North Macedonia.