The Coca Museum covers the history of the coca plant from the Andean region and related drug cocaine.
티아우아나코는 볼리비아에 있는 콜럼버스 이전의 시대의 고고학적 유적이다. 안데스에 대해 연구하는 학자들은 티아우아나코가 약 500년 동안 관례적, 행정적 수도로서 번영한 잉카 제국의 가장 중요한 전조 가운데 하나임을 인정하였다. 고대 도시 국가의…
The Plaza Murillo is the central plaza of the city of La Paz and the open space most connected to the political life of Bolivia.
The picturesque street is a great place to go for a nice walk. There are numerous museums, shops, bars and restaurants with coloured houses.
A stunning 16th-century hewed stone basilica has an amazingly decorated facade, cloisters and a garden. It also recently opened a museum.
Huayna Potosí is a mountain in Bolivia, located near El Alto and about 25 km north of La Paz in the Cordillera Real.
Pumapunku or Puma Punku is a 6th-century T-shaped and strategically aligned man-made terraced platform mound with a sunken court and…
Pachat'aqa, possibly erroneously also named Horca del Inca in Spanish, is an archaeological site in Bolivia situated near Lake Titicaca.
The Gate of the Sun, also known as the Gateway of the Sun, is a monolith carved in the form of an arch or gateway at the site of Tiahuanaco…
이이마니산은 안데스산맥의 하위산맥인 코르디야오리엔탈 중 코르디야레알의 가장 높은 산이다. 볼리비아 서부의 알티플라노고원 동쪽 끝 엘알토와 라파스 근처에 위치해있다. 볼리비아에서는 사하마산 다음으로 두번째로 높은 산이며, 남아메리카에서는 여덟번째로…
The Strait of Tiquina is the passage that connects the larger and smaller parts of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia.
Iñaq Uyu, also called Aklla Wasi, is an archaeological site in Bolivia situated on the Isla de la Luna, an island of Lake Titicaca.
Iskanwaya is a pre-Columbian sacred site, situated on a mountain ridge above the Llica River in Bolivia, 325 km north of La Paz.
Jach'a Waracha is a mountain in the Apolobamba mountain range in Bolivia, about 5,540 metres high.