코렐라 요새는 프리오제르스크에 위치해 있는 오래된 요새이다. 카렐리야인들이 세웠고, 캐키살미라고 불렀다. 이 요새는 나중에는 노브고로트 공국의 식민지가 되어 코렐라로 불리게 되었다.
The Shlisselburg Fortress or Oreshek Fortress is one of a series of fortifications built in Oreshek on Orekhovy Island in Lake Ladoga, near…
The Hermitage-Vyborg Center is an external branch of the Saint Petersburg based Hermitage Museum in the Karelian town of Vyborg.
St. Hyacinth's Church is a Gothic building, formerly a church, in Vyborg, Leningrad Oblast, Russia.
The Great Gatchina Palace is a palace in Gatchina, Leningrad Oblast, Russia.
Ivangorod Fortress is a castle in Ivangorod, Leningrad Oblast, Russia. It was built in the 15th century.
Priory Palace is an original palace in the formerly royal town of Gatchina, Leningrad oblast, Northwest Russia, a suburb of Saint…