은행나무는 겉씨식물에 속하는 낙엽성 교목이다. 공손수, 압각수로도 부른다. 한국·중국·일본 등지에 분포한다. 가을에 잎이 노랗게 물들며, 가로수 등으로 널리 활용된다. 은행나무문에서 유일하게 멸종하지 않고 현재까지 명맥이 이어져 온 나무이다.
Jubaea is a genus of palms with one species, Jubaea chilensis or Jubaea spectabilis, commonly known in English as the Chilean wine palm or…
Jubaea is a genus of palms with one species, Jubaea chilensis or Jubaea spectabilis, commonly known in English as the Chilean wine palm or…
Jubaea is a genus of palms with one species, Jubaea chilensis or Jubaea spectabilis, commonly known in English as the Chilean wine palm or…
Jubaea is a genus of palms with one species, Jubaea chilensis or Jubaea spectabilis, commonly known in English as the Chilean wine palm or…
Parkinsonia aculeata is a species of perennial flowering tree in the pea family, Fabaceae.
Parkinsonia aculeata is a species of perennial flowering tree in the pea family, Fabaceae.
El Teniente is an underground copper mine located in the Chilean Andes, 2,300 m above mean sea level.
San Fernando College is a Chilean high school located in San Fernando, Colchagua Province, Chile.
San Fernando College is a Chilean high school located in San Fernando, Colchagua Province, Chile.