Daikyō-ji, popularly known as Shibamata Taishakuten, is a Nichiren-shū Buddhist temple in Katsushika, Tokyo, Japan.
류쓰케이자이 대학은 일본 이바라키현 류가사키시에 위치한 사립대학이다. 1965년에 설립되었다. 지바현 마쓰도시와 가시와시에 분교가 있다.
Kasai Shrine was the head shrine of eleven towns in the region and is classified historically as a district shrine.
Ichigatsu-ji is a Buddhist temple located in the city of Matsudo in Chiba Prefecture, Japan.
Manman-jiis a Buddhist temple belonging to the Rinzai school of Japanese Zen, located in the city of Matsudo in Chiba Prefecture, Japan.