팜스프링스 에어리얼 트램웨이는 미국 캘리포니아주 팜스프링스에 있는 세계 최대 회전식 로프 웨이. 1963년 9월 , 코아첼라 밸리로부터 산타로자 및 산하신토산 주립공원까지 교통 수단으로서 만들어졌다. 80명 승차 가능한 트램이 산 기슭의 밸리역로부터…
The main thoroughfare of the town where the best shops, restaurants, bars and pubs are concentrated.
The Palm Springs Air Museum, is a aviation museum in Palm Springs, California focused on World War II aviation.
Something between a museum and tourist information center, housed in an interesting building from the 60s.
The Moorten Botanical Garden and Cactarium is a 1 acre family-owned botanical garden in Palm Springs, California, specializing in cacti and…
The Palm Springs Walk of Stars is a walk of fame in downtown Palm Springs, California, where "Golden Palm Stars", honoring various people…
The Palm Springs Art Museum is a visual and performing arts institution with several locations in the Coachella Valley, in Riverside County…