클렘슨 대학교는 미국 사우스캐롤라이나주 클렘슨에 위치한 공립 랜드그랜트 연구형 대학이다. 1889년 설립된 클렘슨 대학교는 사우스캐롤라이나주에서 등록 학생 수 면에서 2번째로 큰 대학교이다.
The South Carolina Botanical Garden is located in Clemson, South Carolina on the campus of Clemson University.
Frank Howard Field at Clemson Memorial Stadium, popularly known as "Death Valley", is home to the Clemson Tigers, an NCAA Division I FBS…
Fort Hill, also known as the John C. Calhoun House and Library, is a National Historic Landmark on the Clemson University campus in Clemson,…
Howard's Rock is a large piece of quartzite that is displayed in Clemson University's Memorial Stadium.
Sassafras Mountain is the highest point in the state of South Carolina, United States.