롱우드 하우스는 프랑스 제1제국의 황제였던 나폴레옹 보나파르트가 세인트헬레나 섬에 유배되었던 1815년 12월 10일부터 1821년 5월 5일 사망 당시까지 거주했던 저택이다.
The Museum of Saint Helena is a museum on the island of Saint Helena, a British Overseas Territory in the south Atlantic Ocean.
High Knoll Fort is a redoubt-style fort of the English East India Company on Saint Helena, an island and British overseas territory in the…
Jacob's Ladder is a Grade I listed staircase leading from Jamestown, Saint Helena, up the side of Ladder Hill to Ladder Hill Fort.
Saint James' Church is an Anglican church on the island of Saint Helena and is part of the Diocese of St Helena.
Plantation House is the official residence of the governor of Saint Helena.
Saint Paul's Cathedral is a cathedral church on the island of St Helena and is part of the Diocese of St Helena.