크시비 도메크는 폴란드 소포트에 위치한 건축물로, 외관상 독특하게 생겼다. 영어로 번역하면 Crooked House라고 불린다. 2004년 개관되었으며, 건물의 일부는 쇼핑몰, 상업시설, RMF FM과 RMF MAXXX 사무실 등으로 사용되고 있다.
Most popular seaside resort in Poland. Kilometres of golden sand and mild sea lined with restaurants, bars and sport facilities.
Familiarize yourself with the interesting history of Sopot in this nice museum, seated in a beautiful mansion.
The Forest Opera is an open-air amphitheatre located in Sopot, Poland, with a capacity of 5047 seats, the orchestra pit can contain up to…
You can still see the remains of a former stronghold at this site and learn about it in the adjacent museum.