Musawwarat es-Sufra, also known as Al-Musawarat Al-Sufra, is a large Meroitic temple complex in modern Sudan, dating back to the early…
Naqa or Naga'a is a ruined ancient city of the Kushitic Kingdom of Meroë in modern-day Sudan.
Sanam is a modern village in Sudan. It is located at the bank of the Nile river next to Merowe.
El-Kurru was the first of the three royal cemeteries used by the Kushite royals of Napata, also referred to as Egypt's 25th Dynasty, and is…
Old Dongola is a deserted Nubian town in what is now Northern State, Sudan, located on the east bank of the Nile opposite the Wadi Howar.
마라산, 혹은 데리바 칼데라는 수단에 있는 거대한 칼데라 화산으로, 잠재적인 활화산이다.
Naqa or Naga'a is a ruined ancient city of the Kushitic Kingdom of Meroë in modern-day Sudan.
하르툼 대학교는 수단의 하르툼에 위치한 공립 대학교이다. 이 대학은 수단에서 가장 크고 오래된 대학이다. 하르툼 대학교는 1902년 고든 메모리얼 칼리지로 설립되었고 수단이 독립한 1956년에 설립되었다. 그 날 이후로, 하르툼 대학교는 수단과…
하르툼 대학교는 수단의 하르툼에 위치한 공립 대학교이다. 이 대학은 수단에서 가장 크고 오래된 대학이다. 하르툼 대학교는 1902년 고든 메모리얼 칼리지로 설립되었고 수단이 독립한 1956년에 설립되었다. 그 날 이후로, 하르툼 대학교는 수단과…
Naqa or Naga'a is a ruined ancient city of the Kushitic Kingdom of Meroë in modern-day Sudan.
The Pyramids of Meroë are a large number of Nubian pyramids, encompassing three cemeteries near the ancient city of Meroë.
The Merowe Dam, also known as Merowe High Dam, Merowe Multi-Purpose Hydro Project or Hamdab Dam, is a large dam near Merowe Town in…
The Tuti-Khartoum Bridge is a modern suspension bridge linking between Tuti Island and the City of Khartoum that was completed in February…
The Tuti-Khartoum Bridge is a modern suspension bridge linking between Tuti Island and the City of Khartoum that was completed in February…
The Tuti-Khartoum Bridge is a modern suspension bridge linking between Tuti Island and the City of Khartoum that was completed in February…
The Tuti-Khartoum Bridge is a modern suspension bridge linking between Tuti Island and the City of Khartoum that was completed in February…
The Omdurman Bridge is a steel truss bridge in Sudan on the road connecting Khartoum on the White Nile to Omdurman.
The Omdurman Bridge is a steel truss bridge in Sudan on the road connecting Khartoum on the White Nile to Omdurman.
The National Museum of Sudan or Sudan National Museum, abbreviated SNM, is a two-story building, constructed in 1955 and established as…
Kerma was the capital city of the Kerma culture, which was founded in present-day Sudan before 3500 BC.
Naqa or Naga'a is a ruined ancient city of the Kushitic Kingdom of Meroë in modern-day Sudan.