노이슈반슈타인성은 바이에른의 왕 루트비히 2세가 지은 로마네스크 양식의 성이다. '신 백조 석성'의 의미이다. 독일 바이에른주 퓌센 근교의 호엔슈방가우에 위치한다. 루트비히 2세가 음악가 리하르트 바그너의 오페라를 보고 큰 감명을 받아 지었으며,…
The Schaezlerpalais is a baroque palace in Augsburg. The palace extends far back from the street, encompassing dozens of rooms, courtyards…
The Augsburger Puppenkiste is a marionette theater in Augsburg, Germany.
The Bavarian Railway Museum is a railway museum based in the old locomotive sheds at Nördlingen station in Bavaria, Germany.
Buxheim Charterhouse was formerly a monastery of the Carthusians and is now a monastery of the Salesians.
The Walther Collection is a private non-profit organization dedicated to researching, collecting, exhibiting, and publishing modern and…
The Augsburg Eiskanal is an artificial whitewater river in Augsburg, Germany, constructed as the canoe slalom venue for the 1972 Summer…
The Mercateum is the world's biggest globe based on a historical map.
The Maximilian Museum is a large, public museum housed in a palatial building erected in 1546 in Augsburg, Germany.