The Sibelius Monument by Eila Hiltunen is dedicated to the Finnish composer Jean Sibelius.
The Finnish National Opera and Ballet is a Finnish opera company and ballet company based in Helsinki.
헬싱키 올림픽 스타디움은 핀란드 헬싱키에 있는 경기장이다. 핀란드에서 가장 큰 경기장이며 1952년 하계 올림픽 주경기장으로 사용되었다.
The Bolt Arena is a football stadium in Helsinki, Finland. It is named after the labour hire company Bolt.Works.
Töölö Church is a Lutheran church in the Taka-Töölö district of Helsinki, Finland.
Helsinki Ice Hall is an indoor arena located in Helsinki, Finland. The arena has a seating capacity of 8,400.
Rather unusual museum dedicated to sport.
The Finnish Environment Institute is a research institute and government agency under the Ministry of the Environment, located in Helsinki,…