골레스탄 궁전 또는 골레스탄궁은 16세기에 건조되고 18세기에 리노베이션을 거쳐 1865년 최종적으로 재건조된 궁전이다. 테헤란의 과거 카자르 왕조의 단지였다.
The Niavaran Palace Complex is a historical palace complex situated in Shemiran, Iran.
The Iranian National Jewels, originally the Iranian Crown Jewels, include elaborate crowns, thirty tiaras, and numerous aigrettes, a dozen…
Located in Tehran, beside Laleh Park, and founded in 1976, the Carpet Museum of Iran exhibits a variety of Persian carpets from all over…
The Reza Abbasi Museum is a museum in Tehran, Iran. It is located in Seyed Khandan.
The Museum of the Qasr Prison is a historical complex in Tehran, Iran.
The Treasury of National Jewels is a museum in Iran. It reopened to public in 1992 after years of being removed from view.Affiliated with…
The Marble Throne is a 250-year-old royal throne in Golestan Palace, Tehran, Iran.
Shams-ol-Emareh is one of Tehran’s historical buildings and a remnant of Qajar Dynasty.
Ahmad Shahi Pavilion is located in the Niavaran Complex, in the north of Tehran, Iran.
Mahmoud Hessabi museum is a museum located on a street of the same name in Tajrish neighborhood in Tehran.
Located in Tehran, beside Laleh Park, and founded in 1976, the Carpet Museum of Iran exhibits a variety of Persian carpets from all over…