도시에있는 3 개의 소비에트 기념관 중 하나 인이 기념관은 Treptower Park에 있습니다. 1949 년에 지어졌으며 베를린 전투에서 사망 한 소련 군인들에게 경의를 표합니다. 7000 명은 이곳에 묻혔습니다. 이 광대 한 기념비는 슬픔에 찬…
예전의 망루보다 예술 전시를위한 장소가 더 적을 수는 없습니다. Schlesischer Busch에 위치한이 4 층 타워는 분할 된 베를린의 독특한 기념물이기도합니다.
Spreepark is an abandoned amusement park in the north of the Plänterwald in the Berlin district Treptow-Köpenick.
A Futuro house, or Futuro Pod, is a round, prefabricated house designed by Finnish architect Matti Suuronen, of which fewer than 100 were…
Schloss Köpenick is a Baroque water palace of the Hohenzollern electors of Brandenburg which stands on an island in the Dahme River…
The Club der Visionaere is a nightclub in Treptow-Köpenick, the biggest borough in Berlin.
The Archenhold Observatory was named in honour of Friedrich Simon Archenhold, is an observatory in Berlin-Treptow.
The Treptowers is a complex of buildings with a distinctive high-rise in the Alt-Treptow district of Berlin, Germany.
쾨페니크 피의 1주일은 1933년 6월 21일에서 6월 26일까지 나치 돌격대가 베를린 교외의 쾨페니크에서 수백명의 민간인들을 체포, 고문, 살해한 1주일을 말한다. 사건이 발생한 쾨페니크는 좌파와 유대인이 많이 산다고 여겨지는 동네였다.
The Müggelsee, also known as the Großer Müggelsee, is a natural lake in the eastern edge of Berlin, the capital city of Germany.
Visit one of the most sophisticated waterworks in Europe. The whole complex is accessible and very well preserved.
The Kunstgewerbemuseum, or Museum of Decorative Arts, is an internationally important museum of the decorative arts in Berlin, Germany,…
The Müggelturm is a popular day-trip destination in Köpenick, in southeastern Berlin, Germany.
The Dahme is a river that flows through the German states of Brandenburg and Berlin.
The Langer See is a lake situated in the south-eastern outskirts of Berlin, the capital city of Germany.
The Müggelberge are a wooded line of hills with heights up to 114.7 m above sea level in the southeast of Berlin's Treptow-Köpenick quarter.