The New Cathedral, also known as the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, is a Roman Catholic cathedral located in Linz, Austria.
The Old Cathedral, also called the Church of Ignatius or the Jesuit Church, is a church in Linz, Austria.
Castle with a dramatic history known since the 8th century now houses a provincial museum. Highlight: cast metal city model.
Gosauseen are three lakes in the south-western, Alpine part of Upper Austria.
Probably the most picturesque town in the area best known for its three palaces. Here you can still buy traditional pottery.
아터 호는 오스트리아 오버외스터라이히주에 위치한 호수로 최대 길이는 18.9km, 최대 너비는 3.3km, 수면적은 46.2km2, 유역 면적은 3.943km2, 평균 수심은 85m, 최대 수심은 169m, 수면 높이는 469m이다.
Schloss Ort is an Austrian castle situated in the Traunsee lake, in Gmunden, 19 kilometres from Vöcklabruck, the gate to Salzkammergut.
Mauthausen was a German Nazi concentration camp on a hill above the market town of Mauthausen, Upper Austria.
아르스 일렉트로니카는 오스트리아의 문화, 교육, 과학 재단이다. 1979년 린츠에서 설립되었으며, 예술, 기술, 사회의 접점을 찾는 다학제적 뉴 미디어 아티스트를 발굴 및 지원하는 것이 주된 사업이다. 재단의 본거지인 아르스 일렉트로니카 센터에서는…
Reichersberg Abbey is a monastery of the Innviertel Congregation of the Austrian Augustinian Canons.
Stadttheater Grein is a theatre in Austria.
Schmiding Zoo is a zoo at Schloss Schmiding, a castle in Upper Austria, Austria.The origin of the zoo is from Europe's largest bird park,…
Burg Clam is a castle in Upper Austria, Austria. Burg Clam is 337 metres above sea level.
Burg Neuhaus is a castle in Upper Austria, Austria. Burg Neuhaus is 420 metres above sea level.
Pattigham is a municipality in the district of Ried im Innkreis in the Austrian state of Upper Austria.
Senftenbach is a community in Upper Austria in the district of Ried im Innkreis.
Maria Schmolln is a municipality in the district of Braunau am Inn of the Austrian state of Upper Austria state.
Freistadt Castle in Upper Austrian Mühlviertel was built, together with its bergfried, between 1363 and 1398, and was used to reinforce the…
Burg Pürnstein is a castle in Upper Austria, Austria. Burg Pürnstein is 537 metres above sea level.
네포무크의 성 요한 또는 스바티얀 네포무츠키는 체코의 국민적인 성인으로서 보헤미아 국왕이자 로마왕이었던 바츨라프 4세에 의해 블타바 강에 내던져져 익사를 당하였다. 전해지는 바에 의하면, 성 요한은 보헤미아 왕비의 고해신부였는데, 왕비에 대한…