버지니아 강을 따라이 54 마일의 도로를 운전하는 데 약 1 시간 30 분이 걸립니다. 방문객들은 루프의 일부로 삼나무 산을지나 89 번 고속도로를 통해 Kanab 및 Fredonia를 통해 돌아온 후 389 번 고속도로를 통해 Colorado…
Charming oasis with several waterfalls and small pools. Variety of hiking trails that rarely get crowded.
Visit the finding site of extraordinarily well preserved dinosaur tracks - actually more than 3500 of them.
Silver Reef is a ghost town in Washington County, Utah, United States, about 15 miles northeast of St. George and 1 mile west of Leeds.
Grafton is a ghost town, just south of Zion National Park in Washington County, Utah, United States.
자이언 국립공원은 미국 유타주 남서부에 있는 국립공원이다. 버진강과 자이언 캐니언, 콜로라도고원, 그레이트베이슨, 모하비 사막 등을 포함하고 있으며, 독특한 지질적 특성 및 생물 분포대가 형성되어 있다.
The very first Mormon temple in Utah. Closed to public yet wandering around and visiting its gardens is well worth it.
The Transcontinental Airway System was a navigational aid deployed in the United States during the 1920s.
The Jacob Hamblin House is a historic residence and museum located in Santa Clara, Utah, United States.
Hurricane High School is the only high school in Hurricane, Utah, United States.
Hurricane High School is the only high school in Hurricane, Utah, United States.