The Groeningemuseum is a municipal museum in Bruges, Belgium, built on the site of the medieval Eekhout Abbey.
Choco-Story may refer to:
One of the four gates that served as an entry point to the city in the Middle Ages. Looks different from inside and from outside.
감자 튀김 박물관은 벨기에 브뤼헤에 있는 세계 최초의 감자튀김 박물관이다. 이 박물관에는 감자튀김의 역사, 제조법, 유물 등이 전시되어 있다. 벨기에가 감자튀김의 원조국임을 알리기 위해 설립된 민영 유료 박물관이다. 벨기에는 세계 최대 감자 가공품…
The In Flanders Fields Museum is a museum in Ypres, Belgium, dedicated to the study of the First World War.
The Hospital of St. John was a medieval hospital in Bruges. It was founded in the mid-12th century.
The Canadian Hill 62 Memorial is a war memorial that commemorates the actions of the Canadian Corps in defending the southern stretches of…
The Yser Towers are a monument complex near the Yser river at Diksmuide, West Flanders in Belgium.
프로젝트 641형 잠수함은 나토에 폭스트로트급 잠수함으로 알려진 소련의 디젤 추진 공격 잠수함이다. 프로젝트 641은 구조 강도가 약하고 동화 진동 문제로 잠항 심도와 잠항 속도가 제한된 프로젝트 611형 잠수함을 대체하기 위해 개발되었다. 초도함은…
Devoted to one of the bloodiest battles of the World War I. The collection is extensive and shows the most important aspects of the war.
The Paul Delvaux Museum is a private museum in Saint-Idesbald, Belgium, devoted to the life and works of the painter Paul Delvaux.