주간고속도로 제75호선은 미국 남동부 플로리다주 마이애미 근교에 위치한 하이엘리아에서 북부 미시간주 수세인트마리를 연결하는 총 연장 2875.04km의 남북축 고속도로이다.
볼링그린 주립 대학교는 미국 오하이오주 볼링그린에 위치한 공립 연구형 대학이다. 주 학술 및 상주 캠퍼스 면적은 541.5 헥타르에 달하며 오하이오주 털리도에서 남쪽으로 24킬로미터 지점에 위치해 있다. 이 대학교는 자연사회과학, 교육, 예술,…
Bowling Green State University is a public research university in Bowling Green, Ohio.
The Slater Family Ice Arena is a 5,000-seat hockey arena on the campus of Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio.
Owens Community College is a public community college with campuses in Perrysburg and Findlay, Ohio.
Bowling Green State University College of Arts and Sciences is the College of Arts and Sciences at Bowling Green State University in…
The University Libraries are the academic library system for Bowling Green State University and its regional campuses.
Bowling Green State University College of Education and Human Development is the School of education at Bowling Green State University in…
WFAL Falcon Radio is a commercial internet radio station run by students of Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio,…
Fort Meigs was a United States fortification along the Maumee River in what is now Perrysburg, Ohio during the War of 1812.
Bowling Green High School is a public high school in Bowling Green, Ohio, United States.