Baksei Chamkrong

위치시엠레아프주, 캄보디아

Baksei Chamkrong is a legendary monarch of Cambodia, whose life and rule are known from the Cambodian Royal Chronicles. Despite a lack of historicity, the narrative of his epic has had a lasting influence on Cambodian culture and politics.

태그 역사적인 건물단계유적신전불교얻기 쉬운
다운로드 다운로드 더 보기

개관 시간

Daily: 5:30 am - 6 pm


Angkor Pass:
1-day: $37
3-day: $62
7-day: $72
Children (under 12): free

The fee must be paid in cash, in US dollars, Cambodian Riel, Thai Baht or Euro. Don't buy your pass anywhere else than in the official ticket booths.

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주소 Cambodia

좌표 13°25'30.996" N 103°51'29.658" E

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