Elgin Cathedral

지역명Elgin Cathedral
위치에든버러, 영국

Elgin Cathedral is a historic ruin in Elgin, Moray, north-east Scotland. The cathedral, dedicated to the Holy Trinity, was established in 1224 on land granted by King Alexander II outside the burgh of Elgin and close to the River Lossie. It replaced the cathedral at Spynie, 3 kilometres to the north, which was served by a small chapter of eight clerics. By 1226, the new and developing cathedral was staffed with 18 canons increasing to 23 by 1242. A damaging fire in 1270 prompted a significantly enlarged building. It remained unaffected by the Wars of Scottish Independence, but again suffered extensive fire damage in 1390 when attacked by Robert III's brother Alexander Stewart, Earl of Buchan, also known as the Wolf of Badenoch. In 1402, the cathedral precinct again suffered an incendiary attack by the Lord of the Isles followers.

태그 역사적인 건물성당유적역사적인 스코틀랜드 익스플로러 패스
다운로드 다운로드 더 보기
Elgin: Cathedral Interior Guided Tour 최저가 37 USD
티켓 예약

개관 시간

Mar 25 - Sep 30:
Daily 9:30 am - 5:30 pm
(last admission at 5 pm)

Oct 1 - Mar 24:
Mon - Wed, Sat, Sun: 10 am - 4 pm
(last admission at 3:30 pm)

Closed on Dec 25 and 26, Jan 1 and 2.


Adults: £7.10
Concessions: £5.70
Children: £4.30

추가 정보 및 연락처

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elgin_Cathedral

전화 +44 1343 547 171

주소 King St, Elgin IV30 1HU, United Kingdom

좌표 57°39'2.222" N -3°18'19.237" E

투어 및 액티비티: Elgin Cathedral

Elgin: Cathedral Interior Guided Tour

즉시 확인
최저가 37 USD

Elgin: Cathedral Exterior Tour

즉시 확인
최저가 19 USD

Elgin: The Anderson Tour

즉시 확인
최저가 19 USD

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