Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre National Park

지역명Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre National Park

Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre National Park is a protected area in the Australian state of South Australia. It is located 697 km north of the state capital of Adelaide within the gazetted locality of Lake Eyre. It contains both the North and South sections of Lake Eyre as well as sections of the Tirari Desert.The national park protects dry desert landscapes, the nation's largest salt lake and the lowest point on the mainland. As of 2012, the national park has been subject to a co-management agreement between the Arabana aboriginal people and the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources.

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추가 정보 및 연락처

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kati_Thanda-Lake_Eyre_National_Park

Official Website http://www.environment.sa.gov.au/parks/Find_a_Park/Browse_by_region/flinders-ranges-outback/Kati_Thanda-Lake_Eyre_National_Park

좌표 -28°31'31.886" N 137°30'14.244" E

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