Oct - Mar:
Mon - Sat: 10 am - 4 pm
Sun: 10 am - 1 pm
Apr - Sep:
Mon - Sat: 10 am - 6 pm
Sun: 1 pm - 6 pm
Please check the official website, the opening times may vary during the season.
Adults: DKK 60
Children (0-17 years): free
Retired and Students: DKK 40
Copenhagen Card Free
Entrance fee includes an illustrated guide book.
Wikipedia https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/로스킬레_대성당
Official Website http://www.roskildedomkirke.dk/
이메일 info@visitroskilde.dk
전화 +45 46 35 16 24
주소 Domkirkestræde 10, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark
좌표 55°38'33.497" N 12°4'49.328" E